In the form of soup or as an accompaniment to other preparations, they are a popular dish in many regions of Mexico, although they originally originated in the northern states. In the state of Coahuila generally this recipe is prepared with bayo beans or flor de mayo.
Ingredients for 4 portions
- Beans 400 g
- Walnuts 100 g
- Water 3,5 l
- Onion 140 g
- Garlic 15 g
- Oil 50 g
- Tomatoes 200 g
- Dried chili pepper 3 pieces
- Coriander 1⁄2 cup
- Halls q.b.
- Brown rice 185 g
For the beans:
Put the beans in a bowl covered with cold water and let them soak overnight.
The next day drain the beans.
Cook the beans in the water for two hours.
Finely chop onion, tomatoes, dried chili, walnuts and garlic.
Pour all these ingredients into a saucepan with a drop of oil, cook for 2 minutes, add the beans and season to your taste. Continue cooking for 5 minutes.
Before bringing them to the table, finely chop the cilantro and scatter it over the beans. Always check the seasoning.
For rice:
Finely mince thegarlic and onion.
Pour some oil into a saucepan, add thegarlic and onion along with the rice and toast it for 3 minutes.
Add the water and salt.
Cover the saucepan and cook for 20 minutes.
Always check the seasoning.
Serve the rice together with the beans.
To limit our impact on the environment, we advise you to remain within 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, including all the courses you eat. Bear in mind that plant-based dishes are more likely to have a low environmental impact.
Even though some of our suggestions exceed the recommended 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, that doesn't mean you should never make them; it's the overall balance that counts. Regularly eating a healthy and eco-friendly diet in the long term offsets even the dishes with the most impact, as long as you don't make them too often.