Surf and turf

Surf and turf

Preparation time:

Above 60 Minuti

Nutritional information:

635kcal / per serving


Second course


Geographic Area:


Enviromental Impact:

Special recipe (2.96kg CO2 eq) i

Recipe in partnership with

This dish brings the flavors of sea and land to the table accompanied by a pasta salad in the name of fusion of cultures. The classic American steak is transformed into a more refined beef tenderloin tartare. Lobster, another classic ingredient in Surf and Turf, is simply steamed and all its flavor concentrated in the sauce. The combination of shellfish and red meat, perhaps in the past dictated by necessity, is revisited here to suit today’s tastes.

Ingredients for portion

  • Whole wheat pasta 320 g
  • Parsley 20 g
  • Red onion 120 g
  • Celery 210 g
  • Oregano 4 g
  • Black pepper 4 g
  • Almond drink 18 g
  • Halls 0,8 g
  • Canola oil 40 g
  • Lobsters (300/350 g) 2
  • Olive oil 20 g
  • Garlic 70 g
  • White onion 250 g
  • Fennel 150 g
  • Carrots 335 g
  • Fish broth 250 g
  • Brandy 50 g
  • Chicken broth 1.100 g
  • Purple carrots 200 g
  • Tarragon 20 g
  • Dill 20 g
  • Beef tenderloin 150 g
  • Worcestershire sauce 10 g
  • Mustard grains 5 g
  • Chopped parsley 10 g
  • Capers 5 g



Separate the claws and tails of the lobsters, cook the claws for 6 minutes in a steamer or in boiling water, then cool them in ice water.


Cook the tails for 4 minutes in a steamer or in boiling water, then cool them in ice water.


Remove the shells from the claws and tails and store in the refrigerator.


Wash all vegetables. Cut onion, fennel, 135 g carrots, garlic into 2.5 cm cubes.


In a large skillet, heat extra virgin olive oil, add the vegetables and let them wilt, then add the lobster shells as well.


Pour the brandy over the shells and vegetables, flame them, then pour in the broth and let the sauce simmer slowly for two hours.


Strain the sauce through a fine-mesh strainer and let it reduce until it is thickened and full of flavor, then set it aside.


Finely chop the beef tenderloin, place it in a large bowl and season with Worcestershire sauce, mustard, 10 g of chopped parsley and chopped capers. Store the tartare in the refrigerator.


Cook the pasta in boiling salted water and cool it under cold running water.


Prepare a mayonnaise by mixing almond drink, salt to taste and 40 g canola oil.


Chop the red onion and put it in a bowl.


Peel cucumber and cut into small lozenges, mix with onion, mayonnaise, oregano and 20 g chopped parsley.


Season the pasta salad with freshly ground black pepper.


Peel the remaining orange and purple carrots.


Cut them into 0.5 cm slices taking care to keep them separate.


Boil the two types of carrots in two different pots until tender.


Lay the beef tartare on a serving platter, shaping it with a pastry cup. On top arrange the thinly cut tails.


Lay the boiled carrots and some pieces of the claws on one side and garnish with fresh dill and tarragon leaves.


Season with the hot lobster sauce and serve with the pasta salad as a side dish.

Enviromental Impact

Special recipe


Per serving:

2.96kg CO2 equivalent i

Carbon footprint

To limit our impact on the environment, we advise you to remain within 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, including all the courses you eat. Bear in mind that plant-based dishes are more likely to have a low environmental impact.

Even though some of our suggestions exceed the recommended 1 kg CO2-equivalent per meal, that doesn't mean you should never make them; it's the overall balance that counts. Regularly eating a healthy and eco-friendly diet in the long term offsets even the dishes with the most impact, as long as you don't make them too often.